Inside of the NHS today, you will more than likely be requested that tune in a Competency Based Interview either before a board or with an individual and will be solicited an arrangement from inquiries investigating your aptitudes, capabilities and experience. I have part the inquiries into the accompanying four classifications.
1. Preparing and Qualifications: In this class you ought to expect inquiries investigating you're comprehension of administration, clinical adequacy, NHS and Trust focuses and you're comprehension of therapeutic wording.
2. Past Experience: The questioner will make inquiries in light of your experience as appeared on your CV.
3. Center Competencies: This identifies with key aptitudes required, for example, your capacity to have great time administration, to work in or deal with a group, to show powerful correspondence and patient consideration abilities and the utilization of your specialized therapeutic information.
4. Identity, Motivation and Coping Skills: Your purposes behind applying or for picking your zone of specialization and how well you manage troublesome circumstances, for example, the passing of one of your patients.